Shields Road Inspired Cushion
After a difficult day you deserve to recuperate in luxurious surroundings accompanied by opulent accessories. When you want to relax in the comfort of your own home, in a supine and cushioned manner what could you do?
Buy this cushion, that’s what!
This exquisite limited-edition product will allow you to reminisce about Shields Road, even when you are not within it’s vicinity. As you sit at home, pining for your second home, the street which fond memories have been, and which will be realised on, you will be cocooned by a constant reminder with this glorious soft furnishing addition.
The design captures the outpouring of a soul, a glorious splattering of vomit, possibly induced by one of the many good deals available in the fine array of public houses which grace the great street in question. Or, one too many Steak Bakes from the two Greggs, which bookend the traverse. We shall never know the root cause of the pattern, semi-permanently daubed on the steps behind the swimming baths. Although we lack the history, let this cushion, emblazoned with the local landmark, be the umbilical chord which ties you constantly via the memories it conjures.
Glossy, quality and affordable, without comfort being compromised. Product is 40cm x 40cm.
Limited edition of 50.